Pratik Parija's profile

"Dante's Inferno" - Unity 3D Game

This is a 3D game I made on Unity for a class project at NYU. Made in in a week. It was hectic but when I get into it, I am all in it. 
The constraints for the project was that we can only convey our story/message by using shapes, color, and sound. No words allowed. (The titles you see here I just added to make it a little clear for the audience on youtube)
I was the project manager and the level designer.
My other group mates, Damien was the AI/Blocks creator. He populated the world with the moving  shapes. Guy was the sound designer.
Limbo 0:08
Lust 1:44
Gluttony 3:00
Greed 3:58
Anger 5:12
Heresy 6:15
Violence 7:24
Fraud 8:38
Treachery 9:44
"Dante's Inferno" - Unity 3D Game

"Dante's Inferno" - Unity 3D Game

This is a 3D game I made on Unity for a class project at NYU. Made in in a week. It was hectic but when I get into it, I am all in it. The const Read More
